
全 权 泉的英文

  • quan
  • :    complete
  • :    counterpoise; weight power; ...
  • :    名词1.(泉水) spring 矿泉 mineral spring; 冷[热] 泉 cool [boiling] spring; 喷泉 fountain; 温泉 hot [thermal, warm] spring; 这眼泉干涸了。 the spring has run dry.2.(泉眼)the mouth of a spring; spring3.(钱币的古称) an ancient term for coin 泉币 ancient coin4.(姓氏) a surname 泉企 quan qi
  • :    Ⅰ形容词1.(完备; 齐全) complete 获得全胜 win complete victory; 人都来全了吗? is everybody here? 手稿已残缺不全。 the manuscript is no longer complete. 这商店虽然小, 货物却很全。 the shop, though small, has a satisfactory variety of goods.2.(整个) whole; entire; full; total 全国 the whole [entire] nation; 全过程 the entire proceeding; 全世界 the whole world; all over the world; 全中国 the whole of china; all over china; 全书共二十卷。 the work is complete in twenty volumes.Ⅱ副词(完全; 都) entirely; completely; totally 全错了 completely [all] wrong; 课文全复习完了。 we have reviewed the whole text. 全怪我。 it's entirely my fault. 她全不理会大家的话, 只是坐在那里发呆。 she paid no attention to whatever others had said but sat there in a trance. 我们一家全去了。 my whole family went.Ⅲ动词(保全; 使完整不缺) make perfect or complete; keep intact 全性保真 (taoist) keep one's original nature; 苟全性命 manage to stay alive with sacrifice of principles; 两全其美 satisfy both sidesⅣ名词(姓氏) a surname 全琮 quan cong
  • 泉,春天:    ring
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        :    complete
        :    counterpoise; weight power; ...
        :    名词1.(泉水) spring 矿泉 mineral spring; 冷[热] 泉 cool [boiling] spring; 喷泉 fountain; 温泉 hot [thermal, warm] spring; 这眼泉干涸了。 the spring has run dry.2.(泉眼)the mouth of a spring; spring3.(钱币的古称) an ancient term for coin 泉币 ancient coin4.(姓氏) a surname 泉企 quan qi
        :    Ⅰ名词1.[书面语] (秤锤) counterpoise; weight (of a steelyard)2.(权力) power; authority 当权 in power; 受权 be authorized (to do sth.); 行政权 administrative power; 越权 overstep one's authority; 警察有权逮捕犯法者。 policemen have authority to arrest lawbreakers.3.(权利) right 表决权 right to vote; 生存权 rights for living; 特权 special right and privilege; 选举权和被选举权 the right to vote and stand for election; 在这个问题上没有发言权 not be entitled to speak on the matter; have no say in the matter4.(有利的形势)advantageous position:霸权 hegemony;制空权 mastery of the air; 主动权 initiative5.(权变; 权宜) expediency 通权达变 adapt oneself to circumstances6.(姓氏) a surname 权德舆 quan deyuⅡ动词[书面语] (权衡) weigh 权其轻重 weigh up one thing against another; weigh up the matter carefullyⅢ副词(权且; 姑且) tentatively; for the time being 权充 act temporarily as; serve as a stopgap for; 死马权当活马医 doctor a dead horse tentatively as if it were still alive -- not give up for lost
        :    Ⅰ形容词1.(完备; 齐全) complete 获得全胜 win complete victory; 人都来全了吗? is everybody here? 手稿已残缺不全。 the manuscript is no longer complete. 这商店虽然小, 货物却很全。 the shop, though small, has a satisfactory variety of goods.2.(整个) whole; entire; full; total 全国 the whole [entire] nation; 全过程 the entire proceeding; 全世界 the whole world; all over the world; 全中国 the whole of china; all over china; 全书共二十卷。 the work is complete in twenty volumes.Ⅱ副词(完全; 都) entirely; completely; totally 全错了 completely [all] wrong; 课文全复习完了。 we have reviewed the whole text. 全怪我。 it's entirely my fault. 她全不理会大家的话, 只是坐在那里发呆。 she paid no attention to whatever others had said but sat there in a trance. 我们一家全去了。 my whole family went.Ⅲ动词(保全; 使完整不缺) make perfect or complete; keep intact 全性保真 (taoist) keep one's original nature; 苟全性命 manage to stay alive with sacrifice of principles; 两全其美 satisfy both sidesⅣ名词(姓氏) a surname 全琮 quan cong
        泉,春天:    ring
        泉水,泉:    spring
        权;权力:    authority n. the power or right to make others obey and believe
        满,全:    plen
        全,全部:    omni
        全1:    all 1s
        全,整体:    in toto
        所有,全:    omni-
        泉 (阿肯色州):    hot spring county, arkansas
        泉 (俄明州):    hot springs county, wyoming
        泉, 墨水管:    fountain
        泉;涌泉;水源;水坑:    ring
        源(泉);来源,出处:    source
        斑;权;血小板:    plaque
        代理(权),委任,任务:    commission
        个人选择(权):    individual choice
        共同租借(权):    joint tenancy
        绝对财产(权):    absolute property
        赔款代位 权:    loss subrogation
        权,能力,力量:    power


  1. "泉坂"英文
  2. "泉螈属"英文
  3. "泉鑫实业股份有限公司"英文
  4. "全"英文
  5. "全 面 保 障 监 督"英文
  6. "全 膝关节置换,人工膝关节"英文
  7. "全 髋关节置换,人工髋关节"英文
  8. "全, 全部, 总, 泛"英文
  9. "全,全部"英文
  10. "全1"英文


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